GunHub is Australia’s leading firearms and accessories classifieds website. It’s safe, secure, and simple to use and FREE for a limited time!
Users are able to view, buy and sell new and used:
• Firearms, parts and accessories
• Optics and sights
• Outdoor/hunting products and accessories
• Shooting products and accessories
• Ammunition and reloading equipment
• And other items including camping gear, clothing, books, campers, vehicles and boats
Updating your account
When you are logged in you can edit your profile. Hovering over your profile in the top right, you can then click on the “Edit Profile” button in the drop down menu.
In this section you can edit your name, email and password details.
Selling an item or product
Simply click ‘+Add Your Listing’ at the top of the screen to start creating the advertisement. If you’re not logged into your account or have not registered for an account you will need to provide registration details.
You will be able to provide in your listing including:
- Listing name
- Item location
- Contact Email
- Contact Phone Number
- Listing type (product category)
You will also be able to write an indepth description of the item.
You will be able to upload a cover image for your listing as well as additional gallery images.
After completing your listing draft, you can choose your listing type and have your listing go live immediately.
Search listed items
Gunhub has both a simple “latest listings” option as well as advanced search capability.
Through the search bar on the home page you can search by category or using keyword search terms.
You do not need to be logged in to search, however if logged in you gain additional features including being able to generate a favourite list of potential firearms you’re interested in.
Enquire about an item or product
If you’re interested in a listing, all listings have a contact form, as well as the phone contact details of the seller. You’re not required to be logged in to use the contact form, however for phone contact visibility you will need to make an account.
Manage your listings
Users can view and manage their listings in the ‘My Listings’ section. This includes editing listings, finalising draft listings, view your listings statistics (number of listing views, contact form submissions etc), and deleting your listings where you’ve sold your item or if it’s no longer for sale.
Report a listing as inappropriate
Users who come across a listing that they feel is inappropriate in any way or in breach of our Terms & Conditions can report it to Gunhub administrators by clicking on the ‘Report’ button. Administrators will review the item and action accordingly.
Contact us
Users with questions or who require assistance or any other information are encouraged to Contact Us.