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NSW Man charged with possessing “military-style” gel blasters toy, refused bail.

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Update 9/2/2020: Added additional photos of the “firearms” and included a facebook post from Chifley Police District.

NSW Police have arrested a Kelso man who is facing 10 counts of “acquire prohibited firearm” and 3 counts of “acquire pistol-subject to firearms prohibition order”.

These “military style” “prohibited firearms” have been taken off our streets by the NSW Police, who in a statement said “During the search, police located and seized 10 military-style gel blasters, three pistol-type gel blasters, scopes and ammunition.”

“The 41-year-old man was arrested and taken to Bathurst Police Station.”

The man was refused bail.

Gel blasters seized, man charged – KelsoA man will face court today after 13 gel blasters were seized from a home in…

Posted by Chifley Police District on Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Comments on Social Media were quick and scathing, with the post also being promptly removed.

“Good haul boys, you’ve managed to keep everyone safe from these toys. Also what style gelblaster is our military using these days?” Greg on Facebook Said.

Dave wrote “Great job and use of taxpayers money getting these killer guns off the street ?”

Gel Blasters are currently legal as children’s toys in several states in Australia. They are a safe & fun toy for children, which are easily identified as toys by their orange tips — similar to nerf guns.

Image Credit: NSW Police.

Luke is one of the co-founders of GunHub and has helped build GunHub into a platform for other gun owners to buy and sell guns easily.

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