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NSW Police Minister facing prospect of Gun Charges

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NSW Police Minister David Elliot is tonight facing the daunting prospect of criminal charges after images surfaced of the minister shooting two prohibited firearms at a range at a Correctional Centre without the appropriate licenses.

Today the NSW Police said that it had reviewed images of Mr Elliot firing a semi-automatic pistol and a Heckler & Koch SMG at the John Morony Correctional Centre near Windsor, in Sydney’s north west.

“Corrective Services NSW is taking steps to correct a possible administrative error at its Mark Simmons weapons range near Windsor,” a spokesman said. “The matter has been referred to the Firearms Registry for advice.”

The Police Minister had refused to answer questions today, referring any questions to Corrective Services NSW.

In NSW an unlicensed person may handle a firearm at a shooting range, provided they fill out appropriate paper work. The paperwork does not permit a person to handle prohibited weapons, which include those which Mr Elliot is alleged to have been photographed firing.

At the time the images were taken, he was the minister for Corrective Services, and has since been elevated into the position of Police Commissioner after the Coalition won the March 2019 NSW election.

Shooters MP Robert Borsak has weighed in, stating that “just because he’s the minister does not mean he should be exempted from prosecution”.

Luke is one of the co-founders of GunHub and has helped build GunHub into a platform for other gun owners to buy and sell guns easily.

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