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Spika saves 270 East Gipp. cattle with a Hay Bale Run

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After some of the most devastating bushfires Australia has ever seen, we’ve seen the hunting and shooting community step up time and again. From helping out with free firearms storage for victims, to donations flooding in to affected areas.

Spika shared a story this week on their instagram of a hay bale run they did for a farmer that required feed to save his starving cattle.

The farmer was a victim of the bushfires that ripped through East Gippsland. He was able to save his house, but not the shed or the rest of his property.

“We recently ran a small convoy carrying hay bales from our farm to the Buchan area after learning of a fellow farmer in the hunting community that copped a hit to his farmland in the blaze.”

“We feel that every helping hand big or small to support these struggling families will hopefully lift spirits as communities are rebuilt. We pledge to donate generously, support our communities, property owners, and shops wherever we can.”

Owner of Spika Dean Anderson donated all his spare bales to the farmer and was able to save 270 head of cattle on the East Gippsland property. The delivery has given the farmer a window of relief during this trying and traumatic time.

In the end nothing can beat the Aussie spirit. Our thoughts are with all of you out there affected.” Dean Anderson said in a Media Release

Luke is one of the co-founders of GunHub and has helped build GunHub into a platform for other gun owners to buy and sell guns easily.

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